The Smithsonian Institution is one of sixteen U.S. government interagency partners in the Cultural Heritage Coordinating Committee, established by the U.S. Department of State to coordinate diplomatic and law enforcement efforts to combat the looting and destruction of cultural property around the world. Smithsonian collections play an important role in cultural heritage training for federal agencies. Cultural heritage training at the Smithsonian has been held since 2009 for a selected group of U.S. investigative agents and customs personnel responsible for cultural heritage cases. Hosted by MCI in collaboration with the U.S. Department of State’s Cultural Heritage Center and Homeland Security Investigations’ Cultural Property, Art and Antiquities Program, this program is one of the many ways that the Smithsonian Institution works with federal agencies to combat the trafficking of illicit or looted archaeological artifacts, fine arts, and other cultural heritage materials. MCI staff collaborate with colleagues across the institution, utilizing the Smithsonian’s collections and expertise to assist federal agencies in their work to protect and preserve national and global material culture. With the skills learned during these trainings, U.S. government personnel have successfully seized, prosecuted, and repatriated more than 20,000 cultural heritage items to more than 45 countries.