ID Author Accession Number Journal Book Title Title of Article Chaper Title Translation Compiler Editor Volume Issue Issue Date Pages Publication Date Language Of Text
1007 Baichwal, R.S.; Baxter, R.M.; Kandel, S.I.; Walker, G.C. 12694 Canadian journal of biochemistry and physiology Antifungal action of salicylanilide. II 38 245-251 English
10070 Bellerby, T.J.; Noel, M.; Branigan, K. Archaeometry A thermal method for archaeological prospection: preliminary investigations 32 2 191-203 English
10071 Roelofs, Wilma G.Th. 14798 Contributions of the Central Research Laboratory to the field of conservation and restoration Coloured mordants on a set of Dutch marquetry furniture from the late 18th century Verschoor, Hugo; Mosk, Jaap 89-93 English
10072 Vogt-O'Conor, Diane 31581 CRM: cultural resources management Digitization and archival information 17 8 21-23 English
10073 Petersen, Dag-Ernst 23129 Edizioni per la Conservazione Acid paper. The facts and the outlook 1 44259 163-169 197-198 199-200 201-202 English
10074 Muller, P.; Schvoerer, M. Archaeometry Les verres anciennes: la question de la databilité par thermoluminescence Ancient glass: problems of dating by thermoluminescence 32 2 205-10 French
10075 Cattaneo, C.; Gelsthorpe, K.; Phillips, P.; Sokol, R.J. Nature Blood in ancient human bone 347 6291 339 English
10076 Young, Stephen New scientist Gardeners of the underworld 127 1728 50-53 English
10077 Walker, A.J.; Williams, Nigel; Otlet, R.L. Radiocarbon Harwell radiocarbon measurements VIII 32 2 165-196 English
10078 Kra, Renee Radiocarbon The International Radiocarbon Database: a progress report 31 3 1067-1076 English
10079 Kra, Renee Radiocarbon Report of the International Radiocarbon Database workshop 31 3 1080-1082 English
1008 Beevers, C.A.; McIntyre, D.B. 9891 The Mineralogical magazine The atomic stucture of fluor-apatite and its relation to that of tooth and bone material 27 194 254-257 English
10080 Martinaud, Michel Revue d'archéométrie: bulletin de liaison du Groupe des méthodes physiques et chimiques de l'archéologie Intérêts du dispositif bipole C-P en prospection électrique non mécanisée The significance of the C-P bipole device in nonmechanized resistivity survey 14 44332 French
10081 Hedges, R.E.M.; Housley, R.A.; Bronk, C.R.; Klinken, J.G. van Archaeometry Radiocarbon dates from the Oxford AMS system: archaeometry datelist 11 32 2 211-237 English
10082 Turner, J.D.; Keary, A.C.; Peacock, D.P.S. Archaeometry Drawing potsherds: a low-cost computer-based system 32 2 177-182 English
10083 Evershed, R.P. 30866 Archaeometry Lipids from samples of skin from seven Dutch bog bodies: preliminary report 32 2 139-153 English
10084 Ryder, Tom 3416 The carriage journal Carriage axles 15 3 327-330 English
10085 Shearman, William Morgan 27985 Metal alloys and patinas for castings, for metalsmiths, jewelers, and sculptors English
10086 Strauss, P.K.; Skinner, W. 3777 Corrosion and Coatings Electrochemical determination of corrosion rates and Tafel slopes 4 2 44450 English
10087 Swindells, N.; Laing, L. Aspects of Early Metallurgy Metalworking at the Mote of Mark, Kirwabright in the 6th-7th centuries A.D 121-128