ID Author Accession Number Journal Book Title Title of Article Chaper Title Translation Compiler Editor Volume Issue Issue Date Pages Publication Date Language Of Text
9993 Bassemir, Robert W. 29392 Spectrophotometric Curves and Their Interpretation 19880800 English
9994 Wright, W. David 29393 Journal of Caotings Technology Experimental Origins of the 1931 CIE System of Colorimetry 54 685 65-71 English
9995 Finkelstein, Marcia A. 29377 Color Research and Application Spatial Sensitization and Adaption in a Long-Wavelength Cone Pathway 18 2 89-97 English
9996 Luo, M. Ronnier;Gao, X. Wang;Rhodes, Peter A.;Xin, H. John;Clarke, Anthony A.;Scrivener, Stepher A.R. 29378 Color Research and Application Quantifying Colour Appearance. Part III. Supplementary LUTCHI Colour Appearance Data 18 2 98-113 English
9997 Smith, N.S. 29379 Color Research and Application Colorcurve and Coloroid Notations for the OSA-UCS Atlas Samples 18 2 114-122 English
9998 Nayatani, Yoshinobu;Sobagaki, Hiroaki;Hashimoto, Kenjiro 29380 Color Research and Application Illuminance Dependency of Equivalent Lightness on Chromatic Object Colors 18 2 123-128 English
9999 Osmer, Dennis 29381 Plastics Compounding Color difference: Establishing and interpreting tolerance limits 14-24 English