ID Author Accession Number Journal Book Title Title of Article Chaper Title Translation Compiler Editor Volume Issue Issue Date Pages Publication Date Language Of Text
10033 Higgins, Reynold 32850 Roman Crafts Jewellery Strong, Donald;Brown, David 53-62 English
10034 Hunt, L.B. 32851 Gold Bulletin A First Century Model Ship 14 2 79 English
10035 Hunt, L.B. 32852 Gold Bulletin The Burial Casket of Philip of Macedonia 14 1 40 English
10036 Hunt, L.B. 32853 Gold Bulletin William Lewis on Gold: The first methodical account of its chemical and physical properties 14 1 36-40 English
10037 Hunt, L.B. 32854 Gold Bulletin The Gold of Asante: The Splendor of a Nineteenth Century West African Kingdom 14 3 101 English
10038 Evans, H.E. 32855 Corrosion Science The role of oxide grain boundaries in the development of growth stresses during oxidation 23 5 495-506 English
10039 Coghlan, H.H. 32865 The Antiquaries Journal Some Fresh Aspects of the Prehistoric Metallurgy of Copper 22 1 22-38 English
1004 Baird, A.J.; Zenger, D.H. 231 Advances in x-ray analysis Use of the soft x-ray spectrograph and the electron probe microanalyzer for determination of elements carbon through iron in minerals and rocks 9 487-502 English
10040 Harris, J.E.;Crossland, I.G. 32860 Fin Waving, Bolt Strain, Denting and the Railings Around St. Paul’s English
10041 Speight, M.V.;Harris, J.E. 32861 Acta Metallurgica The Generation of Stresses in Oxide Films Growing by Cation Diffusion 26 1043-1045 English
10042 Harris, J.E. 32862 Acta Metallurgica Vacancy Injection During Oxidation – A Re-Examination of the Evidence 26 1033-1041 English
10043 McCall, J. L;Buchheit, R.D. 32863 Metallography Metallographic Studies of Archaeological Artifacts from Ecuador 4 209-222 English
10044 Partington, J.R. 32864 Scientia The Discovery of Bronze 197-204 English
10045 Butrymowicz, Daniel B.;Manning, John R.;Read, Michael E. 32866 Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data Diffusion in Copper and Copper Alloys Part II. Copper-Silver and Copper-Gold Systems 3 2 527-602 English
10046 Elliot, John F. 32867 Metallurgical Transactions B Phase Relationships in the Pyrometallurgy of Copper 17-33 English
10047 Bierney, Kevin 32868 Engineering Listening to stress in materials 966-969 English
10048 Kennedy, A. 32869 Iron and Steel International Iron ore mining in Sweden and its contribution to the European steel industry 48 4 305-311 English
10049 Anon 32870 Giesserei Gesundheitsgefahrliche arbeitsstoffe in Giessereien = Materials Dangerous to Health in Foundries 62 25 653-658 German
1005 Ballard, Mary W. 14611 Blue Wool Standard - How they should be used English
10050 Vercoutter, J. 32871 Kush: Journal of the Sudan Antiquities Service The Gold of Kush: Two Gold-washing Stations at Faras East 7 120-153 English