ID Author Accession Number Journal Book Title Title of Article Chaper Title Translation Compiler Editor Volume Issue Issue Date Pages Publication Date Language Of Text
10015 Gordon, Robert B. 32858 The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archaeology Material Evidence of the Manufacturing Methods Used in Armory Practice 14 1 23-35 English
10016 Harris, J.E.;Crossland, I.G. 32859 Endeavor Mechanical Effects of Corrosion: An Old Problem in a New Setting 3 1 15-26 English
10017 Vandiver, Pamela B. 29396 Scientific Basis for Nucleat Waste Management XVII Corrosion of Synthesized Glasses and Glazes as Analogs for Nucleat Waste Glass Degradation Barkatt, Aaron; Van Konynenburg, Richard A. 333 969-982 English
10018 van der Reyden, Dianne 29397 The Grapevine Material Care and Material Science: Preservation of Paper-Based Research Collections 14 44198 English
10019 Fox, Lisa L. The new library scene The Solinet Preservation Program: building a preservation network in the Southeast 7 4 1 5-9 English
1002 Mellor, R. 4406 Bulletin of the National Clock and Watch Collectors British Horological Institute Observations on the Methods used in the Cleaning of Antique Clocks, Watches, and Music Boxes 21 6 642-643 English
10020 Kirsch, Joan L.; Kirsch, Russell A. Leonardo The anatomy of painting style: description with computer rules 21 4 437-444 English
10021 Vitali, V. 28883 Proceedings of the 26th International Archaeometry Symposium: held at University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, May 16th to May 20th, 1988 Expert systems in archaeometry Farquhar, R.M.; Hancock, R.G.V.; Pavlish, L.A. 110-113 English
10022 Wilcock, J.D. 25033 Science and archaeology The development of computing in China, and its impact on the study of history, archaeology and ceramics 30 44264 English
10023 Guineau, Bernard 357800 Studies in conservation Non-destructive analysis of organic pigments and dyes using raman microprobe, microfluorometer or absorption microspectrophotometer 34 1 38-44 English
10024 Gurfinkel, D.M.; Franklin, U.M. 28878 Proceedings of the 26th International Archaeometry Symposium: held at University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, May 16th to May 20th, 1988 The analysis of organic archaeological residue: an evaluation of thin layer chromatography Farquhar, R.M.; Hancock, R.G.V.; Pavlish, L.A. 85-88 English
10025 Hirao, Yoshimitsu; Mabuchi, Hisao 24935 Hozon kagaku Hyomendenri-gata kotai shitsuryo bunsekikei, VG Sector, no kikakuka ni tsuite Mass fractionation correction factor for a surface ionization mass spectrometer, VG Sector 28 17-24 Japanese
10026 Mundry, E.; Riederer, J. 24948 Praktische Metallographie, Sonderband Nondestructive examination of art and cultural objects 19 44467 German
10027 Meighan, Clement W. 32845 Science Prehistoric Copper Objects from Western Mexico 131 1534 English
10028 Leiga, Algrid G.;Vance, Dennis W.;Ward, Anthony T. 32846 Science Disintegration of Charged Liquid Jets: Results with Isopropyl Alcohol 168 114-116 English
10029 Buchwald, Vagn Fabritius 32847 La Farga catalane en el marc de l’arqueologia siderurgica: aquest llibre conte le somunicacions presentades al Simposi Internactional sobre la Farga Catalana, celebrat a Ripoll del 13 al 17 de setembre de 1993 On the analysis and characterization of slags, with Danish bloomer slags as an example Tomas I Morera, Estanislau English
1003 Arney, J.S.; Jacobs, A.J. 5009 Tappi Newsprint deterioration: the influence of temperature on the relative contribution of oxygen-independent processes in the total rate 63 1 75-77 English
10030 Hansen, Thor A. 32848 Science Fossil Molluscan Larvae: A New Biostratigraphic Tool 214 915-916 English
10031 32612 Protecting books and paper during exhibition English
10032 Hill, M.L.;Johnson, E.W. 32849 Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of AIME Hydrogen in Cold Worked Iron-Carbon Alloys and the Mechanism of Hydrogen Embrittlement 215 717-725 English