MCI offers fellowship and internship opportunities involving a variety of artifact analysis, preservation, and conservation treatment specialties. MCI's commitment is to enhance the experience of the fellow or intern, providing specialized technical and scientific training.

Volunteers at MCI take part in the Smithsonian's Behind-the-Scenes Volunteer Program. Opportunities may be available in a variety of areas: scientific, conservation, outreach and administrative. Although volunteers may derive many of the same educational and enrichment benefits as interns, their efforts are viewed primarily as contributions to the on-going work of the institution.

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Paintings Conservator Position Open

The Smithsonian Institution's Museum Conservation Institute (MCI) has posted a position for a Paintings Conservator on USA jobs. This is a full-time federal position with the opportunity for promotion.

For: federal employees with permanent status or individuals eligible for special appointing authorities:

For U.S. Citizens or U.S. Nationals:

MCI has a new Director, Dr. Sanchita Balachandran and is actively undergoing a mission, vision, and strategic planning process. Please consider applying to join an institution with a strong history and newly imagined future.

All applications are due by 10/02/24.