Radney, James G., Weaver, Jamie L., Vicenzi, Edward P., Staymates, Matthew E., and Zangmeister, Christopher D. 2021. "Filter Inserts Impact Cloth Mask Performance against Nano- to Micro-Sized Particles." ACS Nano, ,
Vicenzi, Edward, Whittaker, Scott, Zangmeister, Chris, Radney, James, Staymates, Matt, and Weaver, Jamie. 2021. "Home- and Laboratory-based Microscopy of Face Covering Materials." Microscopy and Microanalysis, 27, 1292–1294. ,
Zangmeister, Christopher D., Radney, James G., Staymates, Matthew E., Vicenzi, Edward P., and Weaver, Jamie L. 2021. "Hydration of Hydrophilic Cloth Face Masks Enhances the Filtration of Nanoparticles." ACS Applied Nano Materials, 4, (3), 2694–2701. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society,
Zangmeister, Christopher D., Radney, James G., Vicenzi, Edward P., and Weaver, Jamie Lynn. 2020. "Filtration Efficiencies of Nanoscale Aerosol by Cloth Mask Materials Used to Slow the Spread of SARS CoV-2." ACS Nano, 14, (7), 9188–9200. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society Publications,
In the News
Ed Vicenzi's SEM images were used by Jamie Weaver in an artistic illustration of virion filtration by a microfiber COVID-19 mask. The illustration won 1st prize in the Fine Particle Art Competition of the American Association of Aerosol Research (AAAR) and is being used to advertise the AAAR 2022 Annual Conference.
Ed Vicenzi's microscopy images of face covering used in the Royal Institution of Great Britain's 2021 Christmas lectures are now freely available for viewing on the institution's website Lecture 2/3 entitled "Going viral: How Covid changed science forever - The perfect storm.
Going Viral: How Covid changed science forever - The perfect storm, Jonathan Van-Tam, Royal Institution of Great Britain's' 2021 Christmas lectures, Lecture 2/3, 12/29/21
Edward Vicenzi, Research Scientist, had his home microscopy images of woven and nonwoven face coverings appear a full-page article in the November 15 Sunday New York Times "Masks Work. Really. We’ll Show You How." Additionally, his scanning electron images of N95 masks were used to inform the 3D augmented reality models linked to Instagram via QR code and the graphical animation hosted on the Times website.
Jamie Weaver, Edward Vicenzi, and the NIST COVID mask research team were awarded 1st prize in the Fine Particle Art Competition held at the 39th Annual Conference of the American Association of Aerosol Research (AAAR), Oct 18-22 for their entry entitled: “Virion Filtration by Microfiber Cloth Mask.” Artistic rendition of virion filtration by a microfiber cloth as used in a mask for protection from COVID-19. Cross-sectional scanning electron microscopy images of the microfiber cloth are false colored to highlight different weave directions (greyscale and turquoise). Measured filtration efficiency was 20.3% at the most penetrating particle size.
Edward Vicenzi, Research Scientist, worked with a science education scholar in the UK to bringing cutting edge research to primary school aged children: I Bet You Didn’t Know… Which facemask you should wear. 7/21
Microscopic images reveal the science and beauty of face masks, by Emiliano Rodriguez Mega, in Science News, 4/2/21
What's inside all those masks? by Erin Blakemore in The Washington Post, 3/29/21
Researchers Put Cloth Face Masks Under a Microscope. The Images Art Out of This World, by Jody Serrano, in Gizmodo, 3/21/21
How to Build a Better Homemade Face Mask, According to Science, by Nora McGreevy, in Smithsonian Magazine, 3/17/21
NIST: Masks Under The Microscope, submitted by Chris Clark, in Los Alamos Daily Post, 3/14/21
Zangmeister, C. D., Radney, J. G., Vicenzi, E. P., & Weaver, J. L. 2020. Filtration efficiencies of nanoscale aerosol by cloth mask materials used to slow the spread of SARS-CoV-2. ACS nano, 14(7), 9188-9200) was cited in World Health Organization. Mask use in the context of COVID-19: interim guidance, 1 December 2020.