Incised Image of a Proboscidean on a Mineralized Extinct Animal Bone
Researchers from the Smithsonian Institution and the University of Florida have announced the discovery of a bone fragment, approximately 13,000 years old, in Florida with an incised image of a mammoth or mastodon. This engraving is the oldest and only known example of Ice Age art to depict a proboscidean (the order of animals with trunks) in the Americas. The team’s research is published online in the Journal of Archaeological Science.
The bone was discovered in Vero Beach, Fla., by James Kennedy, an avocational fossil hunter, who collected the bone and later, while cleaning it, discovered the engraving. Recognizing its potential importance, Kennedy contacted scientists at the University of Florida and the Smithsonian’s Museum Conservation Institute and National Museum of Natural History.
The engraving is 3 inches long from the top of the head to the tip of the tail, and 1.75 inches tall from the top of the head to the bottom of the right foreleg. The fossil bone is a fragment from a long bone of a large mammal - most likely either a mammoth or mastodon, or less likely a giant sloth. A precise identification was not possible because of the bone’s fragmented condition and lack of diagnostic features.
One of the main goals for the research team was to investigate the timing of the engraving - was it ancient or was it recently engraved to mimic an example of prehistoric art? It was originally found near a location, known as the Old Vero Site, where human bones were found side-by-side with the bones of extinct Ice Age animals in an excavation from 1913 to 1916. The team examined the elemental composition of the engraved bone and others from the Old Vero Site. They also used optical and electron microscopy, which showed no discontinuity in coloration between the carved grooves and the surrounding material. This indicated that both surfaces aged simultaneously and that the edges of the carving were worn and showed no signs of being carved recently or that the grooves were made with metal tools.
Believed to be genuine, this rare specimen provides evidence that people living in the Americas during the last Ice Age created artistic images of the animals they hunted. The engraving is at least 13,000 years old as this is the date for the last appearance of these animals in eastern North America, and more recent Pre-Columbian people would not have seen a mammoth or mastodon to draw.
Purdy, Barbara A., Jones, Kevin S., Melcholsky, John J., Bourne, Gerald, Hulbert, Richard C., Jr., MacFadden, Bruce J., Church, Krista L., Warren, Michael W., Jorstad, Thomas F., Stanford, Dennis J., Wachowiak, Melvin J., Wachowiak, S., and Speakman, Robert J. 2011. "Earliest Art in the Americas: Incesed Image of a Proboscidean on a Mineralized Extinct Animal Bone from Vero Beach, Florida." Journal of Archaeological Science, 38, (11) 2980–2913.
Other Sites of Interest
Smithsonian Institution Press Release: "Scientists Reveal First Ice Age Art"
Science News: "Bone May Display Oldest Art in Americas"
Discovery News: "Earliest American Art"
Science Daily: "Earliest Art in the Americas: Ice Age Image of Mammoth or Mastodon Found in Florida"